Monday, September 04, 2006

Brother's dispute

I remember the old Indian Movies which you used to have a common theme... a poor family which is tortured and broken by some rich and bad people; two brothers work together hard to get the family out of the trouble and when they are becoming successful, some crooked person will spoil their mind with ill ideas like if you get separated you will be more rich and happy. As a result they start fighting each other and finally they are spearate. They become the worst enemies and the whole family suffers. Even the neighbours suffer due to their dispute. But being a movie, we know that there has to be a happy ending. Either the mother or father or some family member will be in trouble (either sick or kidnapped or tortured) and both brother will again join hands to save their life. After this they live happily ever after.
When I try to analyse the dispute between India and Pakistan, I get the same message. They are two brothers who fought with Britishers together to liberate this country but as they were nearing the freedom, some selfish people spoiled their mind (politicians and the rulers). They had a deadly fight and they got separated thinking that they will be more successful and happy separately. But thats not happened. They keep fighting each other for past 60 years and no one is happy. There are terrorist gorups who are troubling both the nations and misusing them against each other. Its the time, when leaders of both countries should realise that United We stand. We can make the Indian Subcontinent (india + pakistan + bangladesh) the successful tri-nation if we all work together. We need to start believing in each other and stop the ill intentions. People of these countries are suffering and they are looking towards their leaders to answer them. Its the time fanatic people should think what they achieved in past 60 years. They are divided and poor. There are so many people who are not even able to manage their meals. Lets all unite together to curb the issue of poverty. Terrorism is not the solution to the problems. Only trust and faith can help us. I hope to see the Happy Ending during my life time. Can I???


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